Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New PLays! Please print and review!

Review what you are supposed to do.

These are the plays that we need to work on hard. This is our game plan against the Jags.
Please review and get ready to practice on Thursday. Know what you are doing in each position.
See you on Thursday!
Secret word: WORK!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thank you to all!

Parents only!

3-4 Steelers - Thanks to Coach Tim and Coach James! Tim DF works!

5-6 Steelers - Wow you all have really stepped up. I like to see all of you wanting to help. Remember that we can make this team grow to a great team! Remember that good is the enemy of great! Please remeber that we need to teach TEAM, TEAM, TEAM. We can be great!

If anyone has questions or suggestions. Please feel free to share. We want to help all the kids. remember that sometimes you are not the best person to coach your child. What I mean by this is that you are a parent 24 hours a day! You are a mentor while we are on the field. I'm not the best coach for Hooge I know this. I need help also with getting him motivated. Just because I'm the head coach does not mean that it's the best fit. Think about it, as you grew up it was not your parent that you listen to it was a mentor! Please help me be a mentor for the team. We can grow these children together. We all need to assist with the growth. Please understand that I want these kids to be better everyday in life not just in this game!


Good Work!

I know that I threw a ton of new information at you guys today. BUT we had to make a change. I will post the new plays tomorrow when I draw them up. Here's what to remember.

Empty back field!!!!

Fake reverse pass to right.

Empty back field!!!


Pass to the Center (Centers remember this Trey, Hooge and Thomas this is your pass.

Empty back field!!!


Pass to the outside reciever

Empty back field!!!


It's the reverse not the fake

Empty back field


Double Reverse!!

Remember the letters

C = Center
O = Outside
R = Reverse
D = Double Reverse

Nothing said = Fake reverse pass to the right!


3-4 Steelers

Great pratice also, You are ready to play. Remember to stay home. Michael!!!!
Get flags don't let them score! You're doing great.

Micheal and Jameer you stayed and played well! Way to get flags!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Look at those Defense Stances!

Game #4 5-6 Photos

I will let Jon add commentary later. In the mean-time I hope you enjoy the photos!
-Jen Hooge

Game #4 3-4 Photos

I'll let Jon add his commentary on the photos later. In the mean-time, I hope you Enjoy!
-Jen Hooge